
In order to offer equal quality of service to all, we felt it was essential to understand the different situations of disability that people with limited physical ability face when travelling.

Several members of our team from Les Promotions Zone and Canada Discovery then participated in a full day of training with the Kéroul organization whose actions aim to make tourism and culture accessible to all. We now have the expertise and all the necessary tools to better meet the needs of all.

We have the firm ambition to encourage all our partners to adapt their services accordingly and to develop the marketing of adapted tourist accommodation and experiences. To this end, we will soon be adding a page on our respective websites dedicated exclusively to travel for people with restricted physical ability, whether for young people or adults.

The Tourism Facilities Accessibility Program (TFAP) aims to improve the accessibility of tourism facilities for people with disabilities.

With an envelope of $5 million over the 2017-2022 horizon, the purpose of the ETAP is to enable targeted tourism businesses to obtain financial support of up to $20,000 for the transformation or improvement of their infrastructures to make them accessible.

Kéroul is the managing organization of this program.

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